The First Wind Park in the Region

AWP is developing the Pag Solar Power Plant with an installed capacity of 6.3 MWp, which is located under the Ravna wind power plant...

Other projects developed by our team through specialized project companies (SPV): VE Rudine...

Repowering vjetroelektrane na Pagu uz solarni park dobar inovativni su spoj i koji će služiti i kao edukativni centar. Trenutno radimo na …

Recognized worldwide

The First Wind Park in Croatia

In 2004 Adria Wind Power has built the first wind park in Croatia

Environmental impact: Green electricity production is equivalent to:
+ 0 kg CO₂ ↓

Our technology reduces pollution by 26-35 million tons per year, contributing to a cleaner environment.

Electricity produced
+ 0 kWh
Annual production VE Ravne
+ 0 kWh

Participation in the development of over 90 MW of wind farms in Croatia

Wind power, the energy of progress
Solar Power Plants
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Wind farms
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Green Hydrogen Production
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Razvoj svih vrsta obnovljivih izvora energije

Clean energy is boosting economic growth
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Clean energy is boosting economic growth
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Clean energy is boosting economic growth
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We have a solution for everyone.

We are the largest global energy company operating exclusively in renewable technologies for more than 30 years. With no fossil legacy in our history, we are at the forefront of the