EU projects

Project "Vouchers for Digitization"

Reference number: NPOO.C1.1.2.R3-I2.01-V2.1507

Brief description of the project:

The project relates to increasing the digitalization of the applicant's business, Adria wind power d.o.o., which will facilitate further growth and development of the business and expand the business horizon. Digital marketing is based on a website and is an excellent marketing component that offers opportunities to increase the visibility of products and services as well as recognition. Investing in the creation of a website and new functionalities of the content management system and analytics will create a competitive advantage over the competition and enable the reduction of advertising costs. Employees will acquire new digital skills and be more efficient and competitive, it will be easier to market services, there will be better and easier access to them, with improved response times.

Project goal:

The aim of the project is to contribute to the digitalization of the company's competitiveness through increased efficiency, use of new technologies/market trends, building digital capacities of employees, growth in new markets and increasing revenue. The creation of the website will increase the quality of the applicant's services and increase their visibility and accessibility to the end user, which will likely have a positive impact on attracting new interested parties to the applicant's services, as well as contributing to the company's recognition.

Project results:

  • successfully implemented one project of awarding vouchers for digital marketing;
  • created, developed, designed, functional and implemented website of the company Adria wind power d.o.o.
  • one poster printed with information about the project and prescribed visibility elements
  • training attended by the applicant's employee for editing the website

Total project value: 5.900,36 EUR
Amount of EU co-financing: 3.540,21 EUR
Project implementation period: February 15, 2024 to February 15, 2025

The content of this material is the sole responsibility of Adria wind power d.o.o.

"Financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them."